17 September 2022
Lunch Sessions

SPACE 2 | 13:00-14:00
Eye to Eye – Enhancing your Cataract Surgery and Vizualisation Experience

SPACE 4 | 13:00-13:45
Lock-In Visual Performance with Toric IOLs

BLUE 2 | 13:00-14:00
Glaucoma and Cataract: Continuing Development in the Standard of Care

BROWN 2 | 13:00-13:45
PC-IOLs: Safety and Efficacy Proven by Clinical Evidence

BLUE 1 | 13:00-13:45
Managing Glaucoma in Your Daily Practice - The Relevance of Anterior Segment Morphology for Diagnosis and Treatment

BROWN 1 | 13:00-14:00
VISUMAX 800 and Corneal Refractive Workflow – What's in it for Me and My Patient?
Afternoon Sessions

BLUE 1 | 16:00-17:00
Mastering Precision and Predictability: Biotech Premium IOLs and Challenging Cases

SPACE 4 | 16:00-17:00
iStent inject® W - POWERFUL. PREDICTABLE. PROVEN. Technology for You and Your Patients

BROWN 1 | 16:00-17:00
18 September 2022
Morning Sessions

BLUE 2 | 09:30-10:30
Fashion Trends in Vision Technologies

SPACE 4 | 09:30-10:30
Eyestar Swept-Source OCT – Cutting-Edge Diagnostics for Cataract & Refractive Surgery

SPACE 3 | 09:30-10:30
MicroPulse® & Continuous-Wave Laser Therapy for Glaucoma and Retinal Disorders

BLUE 1 | 09:30-10:30
Addressing Highest Individual Patient Demands – From State-of-the-Art Standard Cataract Treatment to Full Spectacle Independence

BROWN 2 | 09:30-10:30
Myth or Reality? “Digitalization Enhances your Cataract Surgery”
Lunch Sessions

SPACE 2 | 13:00-14:00
Eye to Eye – Enhancing Your Patient Outcomes in Presbyopia Correction

BROWN 2 | 13:00-13:45
Advancements in Refractive Surgery

BLUE 1 | 13:00-13:45
1stQ AddOn in Clinical Practice

BLUE 2 | 13:00-14:00
Challenges in Cataract Surgery and Advanced Technology IOL Solutions

SPACE 4 | 13:00-14:00
Redefining Diffraction with the Golden Ratio in IOL Technology and the Acriva Trinova Pro C from VSY Biotechnology

SPACE 3 | 13:00-14:00
A Clear Vision With a Low Energy Laser
19 September 2022
Lunch Sessions

SPACE 4 | 13:00-14:00
New Dimension of Ab Interno Gel Implant, as a Solo Procedure or in Combination with Phacoemulsification in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

BROWN 2 | 13:00-14:00
Legacy and Innovation on Eye Care - With the Aegis of ESASO and SOU

BLUE 2 | 13:00-13:45
Vision Redefined By Hanita Lenses

SPACE 3 | 13:00-14:00
Advanced Solutions for Targeting Quantitative and Qualitative Outcomes in Cataract Refractive Surgery: More Possibilities for More Patients