History and Evolution of Pseudophakic IOLs
Lucio Buratto
Lecture Details
Date: Monday 19 September 2022
Time & Venue: 10:30 – 11:00, Silver Room
Lucio Buratto, by choice and by his own definition, is a surgeon specialised in cataract and refractive surgery.
He began phacoemulsification in 1978 and posterior IOLs implantation in 1979. Since then he has performed more than thirty thousand cataract operations.
He started myopia surgery in 1986 with keratomileusis and RK.
He was the first surgeon in the world to use the excimer laser intrastromally to treat a myopic patient in November 1989 ((ELISK Excimer Laser Intra Stromal Keratomileusis) later evolved in LASIK and was also the first on the international scenario to perform the Lasik Down Up.
He has received numerous acknowledgments on an international level for the important innovations he has developed in cataract and refractive surgery.
He has published numerous books in different languages on general ophthalmology and eye surgery: 12 dedicated to refractive and corneal surgery, 34 dedicated to cataract surgery, 5 dedicated to surgery of glaucoma and other.